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The History of Zionism?

Writer: metzadofficialmetzadofficial

If you ask the average high school or college student in today's America what Zionism is, they will either have no idea or tell you a complete lie. A definition so incorrect that it makes one wonder how these folks could have gotten so off track. How often have you heard that Zionism is fascism, Israel is committing genocide, or that Zionism is the conviction that Jews are grabbing Palestinian land?

They'll throw stats at you, claiming that 25,000 children have perished and that Israeli snipers are targeting babies. What they don't tell you is that the Palestinian Health Ministry, also known as Hamas, defines a "child" as someone under the age of twenty-one. That's right, a 21-year-old Palestinian holding an AK-47 is an innocent "child". The common claim of Israeli Sniper's sniping newborns should be easy enough prove, yet demonstrating proof has never been a Palestinian strong strength. What they also conveniently leave out is that prior to October 7th, the health ministry published that between 800-1200 Palestinians died each month from natural causes. However, at the start of the war those numbers were not published separately but as as casualties. Furthermore, when Hamas is fighting the IDF they wear civilian clothing which in itself is a war crime. Don’t be fooled, The green headbands and military outfits only come out for the cameras. You will frequently hear that before the establishment of modern-day Israel, there was a successful nation until the "evil Zionists" arrived. A nation where Jews, Muslims, and Christians coexisted peacefully. This “haven” was of course known as the British mandate of Palestine, also known as the Land of Israel.The following are all attacks on Jewish civilians that occurred before to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Nebi Musa Riots (April 1920), Jaffa Riots (May 1921), Massacres in Hebron and Safed Pogroms (August 1929), (1936-1939) Arab Revolt, Tiberias Massacre (October 2, 1938), (1938) Haifa and Jerusalem Attacks. Thousands of Jews died during these purges, and this is precisely why a Jewish homeland was necessary.

Zionism, created in 1897 by Theodor Herzl is a political movement that advocates for Jewish people's right to self-determination in Israel, as well as the continuation of Israel as a Jewish state. The exact definition is the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. From its inception, Zionism advocated both tangible and spiritual goals. The Zionist movement was founded by Jews of all political persuasions (left, right, religious, and secular) who worked together to achieve one goal. A safe and secure Jewish homeland.Christians have 129 countries with a largely Christian population, 13 of which proclaim Christianity as their official religion. While Muslims have 57 countries, 27 of which recognize Islam as their official religion. However, when Jews fight and die for statehood, it is now termed genocidal. That makes complete sense!

Even before European Jews emigrated to Israel, multiple censuses conducted under Ottoman administration revealed a considerable Jewish presence in the region. Infact, if the world had the same number of Jews as Muslims, studies reveal that 40% of the population under the British mandate of Palestine would be Jewish.

The argument for using proportional scaling when comparing a small population like Jews to a huge one like Muslims is simple. Minority groups would never be represented if the world was ruled by a simple majority. Muslims, with a population of about 1.5 billion, would be able to mass relocate to any country of their choice, produce a large number of children, finally reach a majority, and de facto establish an Islamic state.

Furthermore, consider how the land of Palestine was referred to as the British Mandate of Palestine. To make a lengthy story short, the Muslim Ottoman Empire controlled the region before the British took control. Palestine was under Ottoman administration for 400 years, but there was never a clamor for an independent Palestine. The Ottoman Empire fell after the close of World War I, and with it came a loss of territory. As a result, the "The British Mandate of Palestine, Land of Israel" came to fruition.

There was no Palestinian state under Ottoman rule, or even before that, and there was none during the British mandate. Why doesn't Palestine have access to the most basic necessities of any country? A leader? Was there a king or president in Palestine? Was it a democratic or communist government?

Many people believe Haj Amin al-Husseini was the leader of Palestine, which is obviously wrong, but let's look at it anyhow. Hajj Amin al-Husayni, the previous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was a clerical leader akin to a Rabbi or Priest. He first met Hitler in Berlin, Germany, on November 28, 1941. This conversation was not about building a Disneyland in the British mandate of Palestine, but about annihilating the Jewish population that lived there. So, on the one hand, Palestinians claim that Jews, Christians, and Muslims coexisted happily, while the former "leader" of “Palestine” met with Hitler with the objective of annihilating Jews.

The 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (UN Resolution 181) advocated dividing Mandatory Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab republics, with Jerusalem under international supervision. The planned territory division was as follows: 55% for the Jewish State, and 45% for the Arab State. Jerusalem would fall under UN control. Thirty-three nations voted in favor, thirteen against, and ten abstained.

Despite being a smaller percentage of the population, Jews were given more land since much of it was in the Negev Desert, which was sparsely populated and difficult to produce. Nearly 60% of the land granted to the Jews was uninhabitable. This indicates that, while Jews were given 55% of the overall land, the habitable and arable share was far smaller, making the allocation less favorable than it appeared on paper.

While Jews agreed to the partition proposal on May 14, 1948, Arabs did not. The Arabs launched a huge offensive the next day, involving armies from Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon. In 1948, Israel lacked an advanced military and did not have major allies like the US. The United States began providing overseas aid in the early 1970s. The Jews purchased whatever weapons they could from the Czechs and stored everything they could from what the British had left behind. Miraculously, Israel won the war and beat the Arab troops, who outnumbered the Jews five to one. The harmonious state that these anti-zionists speak of does exist; after all, it is called Israel. Israel, a country where Jews, Muslims, and Christians have equal voting rights, and no matter your belief, race, or sexual orientation, the law will not discriminate against you.

A country where a Muslim Supreme Court justice has imprisoned a Jewish Israeli Prime Minister. The worst apartheid ever! If you're still not convinced who the good and bad guys are in this fight, ask yourself one question. Which Muslim country provides Jews and Christians with equal representation and freedoms as Christians and Muslims in Israel? Do not spend your time; it only exists in the state of Israel.

Zionism has never been about Jewish supremacy, if it was there wouldn't be 1.8 million Muslims, 200,000 Christian, and 150,000 Druze living in Israel. The state has a Jewish majority for a very basic reason, the Jewish population makes up less than .03% of the world. Israel is not meant to be like any other country, its meant to serve as a Jewish country, the worlds only Jewish country.

If Jews are subjected to the same persecution as during the Holocaust, they will seek refuge in Israel. Jews, like Christians and Muslims, deserve a place where they can feel safe. This is what Zionism is and if you believe in Jewish people's self-determination, you are a Zionist!

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